LEA stands for Liquid Engine ARIS. Following a line of successful hybrid rocket engine projects, ARIS is giving students the opportunity to explore the field of liquid rocket engines. Using cryogenic components, this project will be the foundation of a new generation of ARIS engines. This is where NewDealSeals comes into play. NewDealSeals sponsored 20 high-precision, custom engineered Synerings® for the team of students to use in their project.
The PROJECT LEA team is expanding the possibilities for research, collecting valuable data and facilitating testing new technologies and designs. The mobile testing bench they are building will allow faster, easier and local testings of both hybrid as well as liquid rocket engines. Combined with the newly developed data acquisition and control system they will accelerate the development of future rocket engine projects.
For more information, please visit their website: https://aris-space.ch/lea-2022-2/